// ==UserScript== // @name ppixiv for Pixiv // @author ppixiv // @namespace ppixiv // @description Better Pixiv viewing | Fullscreen images | Faster searching | Bigger thumbnails | Download ugoira MKV | Ugoira seek bar | Download manga ZIP | One-click like, bookmark, follow | One-click zoom and pan // @homepage https://github.com/ppixiv/ppixiv // @match https://*.pixiv.net/* // @run-at document-start // @icon https://ppixiv.org/ppixiv.png // @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest // @grant GM.setValue // @grant GM.getValue // @connect pixiv.net // @connect pximg.net // @connect self // // @comment Note: this doesn't actually give the script access everywhere. It just lets us request // @comment access to new domains at runtime. If you use a feature that needs access to another site, // @comment the script manager will ask for permission the first time. // @connect * // // @version 242 // @require https://ppixiv.org/builds/r242/ppixiv-main.user.js#sha256=cd257a4ae93138114edea0935b0cfc5bdef46f84e7a1a46e90f6b89d8ff5b4f1 // ==/UserScript== (() => {})();